
Days, Months, and Seasons in German

Master German time terms and usage with our guide to days, months, and seasons.

Understanding time expressions is an important part of learning any new language. In this guide, we will explore key vocabulary and grammar structures for discussing days, months, seasons, and other time-related concepts in German. Days of the Week Montag (Monday) Dienstag (Tuesday) Mittwoch (Wednesday) Donnerstag (Thursday) Freitag (Friday) Samstag or Sonnabend (Saturday; “Sonnabend” is used … Read more

Learn German Alphabet Pronunciation (With Sound)

Explore the pronunciation of German's alphabet, umlauts, and more.

Acquiring proficiency in a new language requires an emphasis on foundational skills. In German, correctly producing the sounds associated with each letter and combination is essential. The phonetic structures in this language can vary significantly from English and other languages. This guide provides an overview of German phonetics to establish a basic understanding. Standard Letters … Read more

50 Basic German Words to Learn for Beginners

Are you ready to start learning some German? In this article, I’m going to give you 50 basic words that will be super useful for talking to people. Knowing these words will lay the groundwork for speaking the language. I’ll explain each one real clearly so it’s easy to understand. 1. Hallo (Hello) Start any … Read more